Saturday, September 20, 2008

Art Designer Leon Paz Comes up with a Modern Acura Concept

Acura's new design language, as seen on the 2009 TL, is fronted by a shield-like appendage that has received mixed reviews. The Acura 2+1 -- the numbers describe the seating arrangement -- by design student Leon Paz is what would happen if you took the shield theme to one natural conclusion. By maintaining the edge throughout the concept's "modern baroque styling," Paz has come up we something we kinda dig.

The body is fashioned from a plastic that is harder than fiberglass, and Paz has done a great job in creating lines that evoke skin stretched over a frame. The upper surface is one continuous window that shows off the twin-turbo V6 and the Acura logo for the cylinder covers. There is no hood -- at your yearly service, the dealer would lift the glass and perform any engine maintenance.

The 2+1 would be an aspirational step for those who want an NSX but can't afford one yet. Based on what we've seen of the NSX so far, we'd probably rather have the 2+1. However, our most pressing question about the car isn't about the design -- we really want to know what is the meaning of "OW AHH" scrolled in LED's across the rear? Check out the gallery of high-res images below, and maybe you can tell us...


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