Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Movie Fake becomes Reality; sQuba

Not Honda related, but too cool to pass up. With the “sQuba,” the world’s first real submersible car, the movie fake now becomes reality for visitors of the Geneva Motor Show (March 6th - 16th, 2008).

It is a sure bet that the “sQuba” will steal the show from any ‘Baywatch’ beauty on the beach. And easily, too: You drive the car into the water and the car floats. That is, until you crack the door to let the water in. Immediately the “sQuba” starts on his way to the underwater world.

Anyway, here's the link to the full write up, BTW, I want one;

1 comment:

Nitin Reddy Katkam said...

The sQuba can be really nice to drive in those flood waters in the cities. Most other cars would keep chugging along till the flood water enters the engine and then just stop right in the middle of the deep puddle.

The SUV from Dante's Peak went through really deep waters. I wonder if real-world SUVs can do that. I saw a van with a pipe fitted to the exhaust reaching up to the roof to keep the water from entering while driving in flood waters. I wonder if that helps, considering that the intakes of the engine would be in the front of the vehicle.